
Intangible cultural heritage is a crucial component of human civilization s diversity, encapsulating the accumulation of human wisdom and valuable accomplishments across generations. In the process of achieving Chinese modernization, cultural resources play a crucial role as significant spiritual wealth, providing irreplaceable leadership and support. Although intangible cultural heritage was born in the traditional era, its inherent cultural connotation, after thousands of years of development, still possesses the ability to generate innovative vitality and embark on a new era of industrialized development in contemporary times. Video serves as an important medium for spreading and documenting this transformation. Drawing on transmission and ritual perspectives of American communication scholar James Carey, this study uses case study and textual analysis of the thematic documentary series “The New Biography of Intangible Cultural Heritage” to explore the potential for integrating “communication” and “inheritance” in spatial logic based on life practice and cultural logic centered on sustainability. This approach offers a new framework for considering image communication of intangible cultural heritage in the future.

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Revista académica
International communication of chinese culture
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