
Since the adoption of the Convention on Biological Diversity(CBD) in 1992, Traditional Knowledge has become spotlight intellectual property with economic value as it is urged to preserve and utilize Traditional Knowledge to preserve biodiversity. The goal of this study is to reorganize the Korean Traditional Knowledge Resource Classification (kTKRC) developed by Rural Development Administration in 2003 to properly assimilate to the environmental change surrounding Traditional Knowledge. As the Nagoya Protocol was adopted in 2010, attention for "genetic resources and the benefits from utilizing that knowledge" has increased resulting in expansion of the range of Traditional Knowledge.kTKRC reorganization process is based on the previous kTKRC. Also, the creation technique, which was the component that the previous kTKRC was lackluster in, has been massively expanded so that various Traditional Cultural Expression and Intangible Cultural Heritige are transferred into Traditional Knowledge. As a result, the kTKRC was increased from 8 to 13 classes, 28 subclasses to 72, and 105 groups to 172 groups. Through the new, reorganized kTKRC in this study, we hope it becomes more convenient for us to find Traditional Knowledge resource, build a database, managing and distributing it, thus protecting Traditional Knowledge and reinforcing industrial-cultural capabilities.

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Revista académica
The Journal of Intellectual Property
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