TY - JOUR AB - The purpose of this study is to verify the validity of the Comprehensive Survey of the KoreanIntangible Heritage project, presently carried out by the National Intangible Heritage Center,an affiliated organization of the Cultural Heritage Administration, and enhance its efficiency.The project is intended to investigate intangible heritages in various areas, for example,music, dance, crafts, architecture, oral transmission, knowledge about folk medicine,traditional plays, or festivals, which are designated as intangible cultural heritage accordingto Article 14 of the Act on Safeguarding and Promotion of Intangible Cultural Heritage(enforced from March 28th, 2016).This study examines the problems of the project regarding tales among the itemsdesignated as national intangible cultural heritage including “linguistic expressions, oraltransmission, word of mouth tradition, and expressions, and so on.” Particularly, thisauthor intensively discusses the problems of selecting items in the area of folktales, whatto be prepared and considered for field research, and the problems of protecting and usingfolktales as intangible heritage.In this project, regarding folktales belonging to “linguistic expressions, oral transmission,word of mouth tradition, and expressions, and so on,” 65 items are designated on a tentativelist. Among the 65 items, however, some lack validity in the aspects of “representability,”one of the criteria for designating national intangible cultural heritage. To enhance thevalidity of these items, this author refers to previously published collections or dictionariesof folktales and suggests that it is needed to substitute folktales with or add a list of thefolktales that are more popular and representable.Also, the tentative list of folktales it suggests does not include stories about personal lifeor historical experience belonging to oral discourse. But these items are meaningful inthat they are the products of mankind literature about modern and contemporary history and exhibit the aspects of folktale transmission changing from fictional to realistic oraldiscourse. Therefore, these data should also be included in the list of research in the project.To this end, a lot of things need to be prepared or considered before field research, forexample, being aware of the items to be investigated, liaising for an informer, havingprinciples and methods to transcribe data, or writing a report with the informer. Examiningsuch issues, this researcher suggests referable data for this project collected from advancedresearch or reports to help minimize any possible problems in field research.Lastly, this author examines methods suggested in advanced research about protecting andusing folktales and expressing consents positively. About folktales, to narrate them activelyin this age is an effective way to preserve and protect folktales; therefore, to use folktalesactively, this author suggests the organization of national folktale competitions (festivals),carrying out undergraduate mentoring projects, and making plans for elementary afterschoolclass aggressively. BT - Korean Journal of Intangible Heritage N2 - The purpose of this study is to verify the validity of the Comprehensive Survey of the KoreanIntangible Heritage project, presently carried out by the National Intangible Heritage Center,an affiliated organization of the Cultural Heritage Administration, and enhance its efficiency.The project is intended to investigate intangible heritages in various areas, for example,music, dance, crafts, architecture, oral transmission, knowledge about folk medicine,traditional plays, or festivals, which are designated as intangible cultural heritage accordingto Article 14 of the Act on Safeguarding and Promotion of Intangible Cultural Heritage(enforced from March 28th, 2016).This study examines the problems of the project regarding tales among the itemsdesignated as national intangible cultural heritage including “linguistic expressions, oraltransmission, word of mouth tradition, and expressions, and so on.” Particularly, thisauthor intensively discusses the problems of selecting items in the area of folktales, whatto be prepared and considered for field research, and the problems of protecting and usingfolktales as intangible heritage.In this project, regarding folktales belonging to “linguistic expressions, oral transmission,word of mouth tradition, and expressions, and so on,” 65 items are designated on a tentativelist. Among the 65 items, however, some lack validity in the aspects of “representability,”one of the criteria for designating national intangible cultural heritage. To enhance thevalidity of these items, this author refers to previously published collections or dictionariesof folktales and suggests that it is needed to substitute folktales with or add a list of thefolktales that are more popular and representable.Also, the tentative list of folktales it suggests does not include stories about personal lifeor historical experience belonging to oral discourse. But these items are meaningful inthat they are the products of mankind literature about modern and contemporary history and exhibit the aspects of folktale transmission changing from fictional to realistic oraldiscourse. Therefore, these data should also be included in the list of research in the project.To this end, a lot of things need to be prepared or considered before field research, forexample, being aware of the items to be investigated, liaising for an informer, havingprinciples and methods to transcribe data, or writing a report with the informer. Examiningsuch issues, this researcher suggests referable data for this project collected from advancedresearch or reports to help minimize any possible problems in field research.Lastly, this author examines methods suggested in advanced research about protecting andusing folktales and expressing consents positively. About folktales, to narrate them activelyin this age is an effective way to preserve and protect folktales; therefore, to use folktalesactively, this author suggests the organization of national folktale competitions (festivals),carrying out undergraduate mentoring projects, and making plans for elementary afterschoolclass aggressively. PY - 2016 SP - 147 EP - 190 T2 - Korean Journal of Intangible Heritage TI - How to Select, Investigate, and Protect a List of Tales as Intangible Cultural Heritages VL - 1 SN - 2508-5905 ER -