01738nas a2200277 4500000000100000000000100001008004100002260001400043653000900057653002600066653001600092653002400108653001100132653001400143653001100157653001600168653002400184653002200208100002200230245004300252856009100295300001200386490000700398520104100405020001401446 2007 d c2007/08//10acity10apatrimonio inmaterial10aimaginarios10apatrimonio material10aciudad10aimágenes10aimages10aimaginaries10ainmaterial heritage10amaterial heritage1 aMónica Lacarrieu00aLa "insoportable levedad" de lo urbano uhttp://www.scielo.cl/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S0250-71612007000200005&lang=es a47-64, 0 v333 aThis text has the objective of analysing the new place created by the symbolic dimension of the city. To undertake this, the startingpoint is that all practices generated in space are the complex and conflictive outcomes of social images and imaginaries, considering the relationships and differences generated between them. From this perspective, the close articulation between the organisation of urban images constructed on the basis of the 'weight' of cities -principally built heritage - and 'immaterial' cultural expressions is analysed. The latter has been recurrently associated with imaginaries, relegated to the field of'popular culture', also new urban images influenced by imaginaries of power, imaginaries of consensus and imaginaries in dispute. In this way, we will deal with the collisions, tensions and distensions that are produced between material and immaterial heritage, considering the place that they have occupied in the formation of cities, particularly Buenos Aires, in relation to urban images and imaginaries a0250-7161