01790nas a2200157 4500000000100000008004100001260005900042100001800101700001500119700001900134245017800153856006200331300001400393520120300407020002201610 2019 d bMadrid: Instituto Geológico y Minero de España, 20191 aA.I. Trujillo1 aLuis Plaza1 aJosep Perelló00aDel candil de Almadén al folleto turístico. Análisis crítico de la aceptación social del proceso de redefinición económica local y de redescubrimiento de su identidad uhttps://dialnet.unirioja.es/servlet/extart?codigo=8231479 a1045-10573 aAs the cause of an exceptional natural environment, the society of the town of Almadén (Ciudad Real) has lived for centuries, dependent and conditioned by the mining activity developed. This situation begins to falter because of the decline of the mining activity, which produces a social crisis and a questioning of the existing identity up to that point, and that could be summed up in just one: “The Mine”. The policies of economic restructuring carried out in the years following the end of the activity, not only were unsuccessful, but stressed the discouragement and the lack of social commitment. The orientation toward the exploitation of their tangible and intangible heritage is allowing them to return to their referent identifier, is enabling a non-existent social involvement for many years and is generating an economic autonomy away from the devastating externally suffered throughout its history. Therefore, the dual objective which is: to carry out analysis of the factors that are influencing the social acceptance of the new economic structure in place, as well as study the actions that society is developing to rediscover those identifiers that the cohesive and define it. a978-84-9138-081-8