01376nam a2200109 4500000000100000008004100001100001600042700001500058245009600073520107500169020002201244 2018 d1 aZ. Dordevic1 aV. Radovic00aDigital intangible cultural heritage as a tool for improvement of Serbian cultural tourism.3 aCultural tourism, including both tangible and intangible cultural heritage (ICH), is strongly affected by the current development of information and communication technologies (ICTs) and the concept of sustainability. This paper addresses the question of applying digital ICH as a tool for improvement of cultural tourism competitiveness in the Republic of Serbia (RS) as a candidate country in the EU joining process. Using desktop study objectives and social scientific research methodology, this paper considers the international legal framework for ICH safeguarding, the practice of digitization of European ICH and its application in cultural tourism. It identifies the main stakeholders in RS, their contribution to ICH digitization and the obstacles they face. Following the RS Government development priorities - Digitization and Education - the paper concludes by recommending further research of eTourism for Development, as a strategic use of ICTs by community-based tourism to foster visibility, connectivity, and competitiveness of Serbian cultural tourism. a978-86-89949-29-2