01828nas a2200133 4500000000100000000000100001008004100002100001700043245010100060856006200161300001100223520144600234022001401680 2017 d1 aJesús Bravo00aImplicaciones Socioeconómicas de la Semana Santa de Málaga como Patrimonio Cultural Inmaterial uhttps://dialnet.unirioja.es/servlet/extart?codigo=6247381 a85-1173 aThe current constitutional framework in which religious freedom, ideology and worship are enshrined in addition to the right of association, are the legal basis for the existence of these religious associations with the concreteness offered by the Code of Canon Law and the statutes of the own Brotherhoods. The data added by the Confraternities and Brotherhoods themselves regarding the list of cofrades refers to allow us to analyze the Holy Week of Malaga as a social phenomenon. During the greater week, the development of the processions leads to a strong development of the services and tourism sector, which translates into an important source of income for the city. The social fabric that agglutinates in its ambit, explains the strong support of the Local Administration in the construction of the Houses of Brotherhood build as open spaces to the society in which to be able to develop diverse activities. In addition, the importance of the social work of these associations is added with an important contribution in the social policies of the city in the development of charitable acts. In their public manifestations, the Confraternities and Brotherhoods generate unique contrasts with their own traditional elements that are mixed with the urbanism of the city, which deserve special attention and justify its declaration as Representative Manifestation of Intangible Cultural Heritage by Royal Decree 384/2017, of 8 of April. a2255-1565