01410nas a2200145 4500000000100000000000100001008004100002100002400043245011200067856006200179300001000241490000700251520099200258022001401250 2019 d1 aOlga García Molano00aCocinas tradicionales en declive: riesgo para el patrimonio cultural y la seguridad alimentaria en Guayatá uhttps://dialnet.unirioja.es/servlet/extart?codigo=8743624 a15-380 v213 aThe objective of this research was to analyze the relationships that emerge between traditional food and food safety in a rural peasants’ community and the transformations in these cultural practices. Through an ethnographic observation work and semi-structured interviews, changes in the food-production relationship are identified from aspects such as: deterioration and crisis of the peasant economies, migrations, property transformations and land use. Likewise, the incidence of their holiday cycles is identified since holidays mark the social space and are connected to the productive cycles through their traditional foods, making evident the changes that are taking place in their eating habits. Hence, the importance of revitalizing those food culture processes which are immersed in their traditional food as a contribution to ensure that this community is guaranteed food safety and do not lose this heritage through which identity and fraternity bonds have been generated. a0123-4471