01683nas a2200289 4500000000100000000000100001000000100002008004100003260000800044653001200052653002200064653003900086653002400125653004300149653002400192653003700216653002600253653002600279653002400305100003200329245006700361856009500428300000900523490000700532520084000539022001401379 2016 d cjun10aBolivia10acultural heritage10aHumanity Heritage Sites in Bolivia10apatrimonio cultural10aPatrimonios de la Humanidad en Bolivia10ahistorical heritage10amaterial and intangible heritage10apatrimonio histórico10apatrimonio inmaterial10apatrimonio material1 aFernando Cajías de la Vega00aCincuenta años de gestión del patrimonio cultural en Bolivia uhttp://www.scielo.org.bo/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S2077-33232016000100002&lang=es a9-450 v203 aThis article unfolds a broad and thorough examination over cultural heritage in Bolivia. After reviewing concepts related to cultural heritage hollistically and types of heritage (material, non material, artistic, historical), the author describes the importance of cultural management and its practical scope in Bolivia. So he goes through state practices as well as private and civil society activities in this field. In a similar way, he reviews international and national law concerning the matter nowadays. Finally there is an assessment of the situation of the several sites declared cultural heritage of Humanity, the plans for their management and how are they taken care of. Bolivian government and civil society actions to ensure and promote heritage of various kinds in the country are also stated, along with pending tasks. a2077-3323