01876nas a2200121 4500000000100000008004100001100001300042245006500055300001200120490000700132520160100139022001401740 2019 d1 aYan Wang00aChinese cultural elements in Yeongdeung Blief of Jeju Island a217-2440 v883 a"In China, Guanyin Bodhisattva and goddess Mazu bless the fishers or sailers , In the Jeju Island also has a Godness- ""Yeongdeung"", who bring abundance and peaceful to the haenyeo(diving female) and fishermen. In 2009, Jeju Chimeoridang Yeongdeunggut exorcism was included in the list of world intangible cultural heritage. Over the centuries, the belief of Yeongdeung has become a unique cultural symbol of Jeju Island. Jeju Island is also known as the ""hometown of the eighteen thousand gods"", which is a typical characteristic of the primitive belief of ""all things have spirit"". Jeju is a ""living fossil"" of the Korean traditional folk, which has preserved a large number of unique folk customs that have disappeared or are quite different.Although every civilization has its distinctive ethnic characteristics, but all the great civilizations are the product of a variety of civilization with fusion and collision, the belief of Yeongdeung is no expection. The feature of ""One god with variety godhoods "" showed strong utilitarian folk belief in Jeju. This resulted the diversity of sacrificial function and the characteristic of combined Sacrifice which is very similar to the sacrifice to the Chinese Sea God in coastal areas. In the exorcisms of Yakmahee and Baebangseon, you can also sea the influnce of Chinese Dragon Boat races and Paohanchuan(A Chinese traditional folk dance)and Floating lights and the sacrifice of Chines Sea God.Yeongdeunggut exorcism with rich Chinese cultural factors fully reflects the characteristics of open and inclusive of the ocean civilization." a1229-3458