01106nas a2200109 4500000000100000008004100001100001300042245009400055300001200149520081300161020002200974 2012 d1 aYang Liu00aA Study on the Traditional Sports Culture of Ethnic Yugur in Sunan County, Gansu Province a164-1673 aThe ethnic Yugur people at Sunan County has a rich, varied and distinctive traditional sports culture, which has both the commonality of the Chinese traditional ethnic sports and its own unique cultural characteristics. Adopting the methods of document review and interview for an analysis of Yugur traditional sports, the paper maintains that the Yugur traditional sports activities are closely related to their national culture, practice of social life, custom and living- condition, which clearly exhibit the Yugur ethnic culture and characteristics and traditions preserved in traditional Yugur sports. It is also argued that examining the development of traditional sports from the perspective of preserving the intangible cultural heritage promotes the development of traditional ethnic sports culture. a978-1-84626-096-4