01012nas a2200229 4500000000100000000000100001008004100002260000800043653001400051653001300065653001500078653001200093653001500105653002800120653002100148100002000169245012800189300001200317490000700329520043200336022001400768 2022 d caug10aMarinetti10aMascagni10aPirandello10afascism10aSoft power10atheatre infrastructures10atheatre networks1 aMatteo Paoletti00aA Single Purpose: The Conquest of the Foreign Art Markets : Theatre and Cultural Diplomacy in Mussolini s Italy (1919-1927) a201-2210 v383 aThis article explores the role of theatre in the strategies of cultural diplomacy that developed in Italy between the last years of the liberal state (1919-22) and the rise of Benito Mussolini. It covers the period until 1927, when the establishment of the Istituti Italiani di Cultura (Italian Cultural Institutes) and the approval of a new regulatory framework for migration marked a new era for fascist soft-power ambitions. a0266-464X