01969nas a2200289 4500000000100000000000100001008004100002260002200043653001700065653002700082653003000109653002200139653004800161653001600209653002700225653001600252653003400268653002200302653001500324653001300339100001100352245016400363856011800527300001200645520099700657020002501654 2015 d bCRC Press/Balkema10aconstruction10aConstruction technique10aConstruction technologies10aCurrent situation10aDong’s timberwork construction techniques10aEngineering10aIndustrial engineering10aInheritance10aIntangible cultural heritages10aNational cultures10aProtection10aSanjiang1 aH. Liu00aA report on the current situation of protection and inheritance of timberwork construction technology of the Dong national minority of Sanjiang, Guangxi, China uhttps://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-84959921450&partnerID=40&md5=12a27f11412e06c781bfa058e49bd861 a175-1793 aDong’s timberwork construction is regarded as a Chinese treasure that contains abundant national culture. During recent years, some of Dong’s timberwork construction cultural elements have been applied to the new urban buildings in the southern China area. However, they do not show the Dong’s aesthetics and core values due to lack of knowledge about the Dong’s timberwork construction culture. Dong’s timberwork construction technology is inherited through speaking from generation to generation. Hence, with the development of the economy and material civilization, the technology appears to be dying out.This article aims to identify and analyse the problems in the inheritance and development of the Dong’s timberwork construction technology, focusing on Sanjiang Dong’s current situation to provide valuable reference for the future study on Chinese National Intangible Cultural Heritage, and the development of the distinctive urban buildings with ethnic characteristics. a9781138026490 (ISBN)