02570nas a2200121 4500000000100000008004100001100001700042245015500059300001200214490000700226520220100233022001402434 2018 d1 aJunghoon Lee00aA Study of Folklore as an Intangible Heritage Model and "Oral Tradition and Expression" -Focusing on the Intangible Heritage City Project of the Year- a197-2170 v503 aKorea enacted the Cultural Properties Protection Act in 1962 and amended the Intangible Cultural Properties Protection Act in 2015. This is a major change in the last 60 years. In particular, Oral Tradition and Expression is a new field not included in pre-1962 law. This article aims to understand the items of oral tradition and expression as shown in the results of the Intangible Heritage City Project of the Year conducted by the National ICHD. This year s intangible heritage city project was the first model of how to conduct the survey in accordance with the revised new law. In this year s intangible heritage city project, there are three categories of oral tradition and expression items. The first is a legend of a place or person, the second is a storyteller discovery, and the third is a folk song. The results of this study are possible because of the a premise that oral tradition and expression includes folktales.However, as mentioned earlier, the fact that the item of oral tradition and expression item in the new version of the law is not only a story is due to the influence of the UNESCO Convention. Moreover, the scope and characteristics of items of oral tradition and expression and socio-cultural functions are new issues that must be discussed in earnest. This is also true of the traditional knowledge to which the new law applies, customs of daily life embodied in food and shelter, and cultural spaces. It is now necessary to actively discuss what to do under the new legal system and, objectively evaluate the accomplishments of the Cultural Properties Act of 1960.Based on the experience of participating in the intangible heritage city project of the year, this paper presents the case of studying folk tales as intangible heritage. It emphasizes the need to review prior research and implement effective legislation. In order to examine the intangible heritage community and the reciprocal nature of storytelling, we should conduct a survey of storytelling. Currently, urban folk tales are reported, but most folk tales are often sampled. It is also necessary to conduct cultural anthropological field studies to approach narratives in the field. a1229-019X