01572nas a2200109 4500000000100000000000100001008004100002100002100043245012400064856008500188520118900273 2009 d1 aJunior Rodrigues00aA proteção internacional do patrimônio biocultural imaterial a partir da concepção de desenvolvimento sustentável uhttps://www.cupore.fi/images/tiedostot/aineetonkulttuuriperinto_korjattu2015.pdf3 aThe Convention for the Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage was adopted at the UNESCO General Conference in 2003. 161 states are now (2015) parties to the convention. In Finland the convention was ratified in May 2013. The Finnish Ministry of Education and Culture assigned the responsibility for implementing the Convention to the Finnish Heritage Agency, to draft a model for its execution in Finland. CUPORE - The Finnish Foundation for Cultural Policy Research collaborated in this work in the context of research. In the first research phase CUPORE conducted a comparative research on the implementation of the Convention in 15 other member countries, the roles and models of coordinating the work on the national level. The report also looks into examples of the elements inscribed on the intangible cultural heritage lists in the selected countries. The purpose of the research was to create a roadmap for a Finnish model for implementing the Convention and fostering intangible cultural heritage more generally as well. cultural-heritage-examples-of-the-implementation-of-the-unesco-2003-convention-in-selected-countries-under-comparison-report-summary-and-conclusions