01112nas a2200193 4500000000100000000000100001000000100002008004100003100002000044700001800064700002000082700002000102245009200122856006400214300001000278490000700288520060900295022001400904 2015 d1 aFernanda Bengio1 aFlávia Lemos1 aMarcelo Ferreri1 aEvelyn Ferreira00aA produção da cultura popular: tensões no Programa Nacional de Patrimônio Imaterial uhttps://dialnet.unirioja.es/servlet/articulo?codigo=5156772 a19-270 v173 aIn this paper, we discuss the policy of equity culture, having as clipping the National Programme of Intangible Heritage, straining notions such as popular culture and identity. This public policy is discussed from understanding it as a device that materializes practices of power, knowledge and subjectivity. Thus, we propose to reflect on important aspects of cultural heritage as a cultural democracy, neoliberalism and human rights to consider these factors while operating in the immanence of cultural practices that cut across groups and communities, may crystallize pre-established modes of being. a0211-3481