01119nas a2200145 4500000000100000008004100001100001500042700001500057700001400072700001600086245013500102300001200237520071000249020001400959 2017 d1 aWan-Li Wei1 aBi-Sia Chi1 aLi-Ya Lin1 aDestech Inc00aA Preliminary Study on Chinese Poetries Artistic Conception for Digital Visualization Application of Intangible Cultural Heritage a324-3343 aAlthough amount of digital archives on tangible cultural heritage has been built in past few years, intangible cultural heritage is still needed to be explored. To retain and propagate the cherished Chinese cultural heritage, such as classic poetry which reflect the life experience, characteristics of people, and features of the culture, is crucial to people of a nation. Cultural and creative design needs a variety of digital carriers to enhance industry production. New forms of visualized tools are more helpful for building an efficient product design model. Therefore, a new interpretation of the meaning of the intangible culture can discover the value and benefits of its industrial development. a2475-8868