01429nam a2200109 4500000000100000008004100001100003100042700001300073245013600086520107500222020002201297 2022 d1 aJoanna Dziadowiec-Greganic1 aK Golemo00aFestum Patrimonium: Between the Festivalisation of Traditional Music Heritage and the Heritagisation of Traditional Music Festivals3 aThe chapter is an attempt to analyse the phenomenon of broadly understood music heritage festivals from two main perspectives: the heterodox theory of heritage and the interdisciplinary critical heritage studies, as well as performance and interdisciplinary festival studies. The titular tension between festivalisation of heritage and heritagisation of festivals will be shown on the examples of different kinds of contemporary festivals based on traditional music that take place in Poland. A cross-section of the most representative examples in these events diverse categories will be presented and analysed. Among the festivals considered here there are those belonging to the following genres: folkloristic, folk, ethno, regional, minority, intercultural, neofolk, ethno-fusions, and those focusing on broadly understood intangible heritage. Apart from outlining the general panorama of such events in Poland, the article also aims at showing how music festivals are not only occasions for celebrating cultural heritage, but themselves become its significant part. a978-83-233-7380-3