01152nas a2200145 4500000000100000008004100001260002300042100002300065245005800088856006200146300001200208490000600220520075800226020002200984 2015 d bRoma: Aracne, 20151 aElizabeth Carrasco00aHuatlatlauca, Puebla Patrimonio tangible e intangible uhttps://dialnet.unirioja.es/servlet/extart?codigo=5239506 a457-4780 v23 aThe architecture is made by and for the man, it is he who decides its course and its history. The built heritage can be fascinating because itself contains the history of our ancestors. In this sense, it is necessary to know the man who inhabits the space we want to preserve, so it can endure properly.Thus we find a very interesting concept: the appropriation of space, which is related to intangible heritage if we talk about architect restoration, as binomial with the tangible.Huatlatlauca is a town established during the sixteenth century with its convent and chapels, and it is also an excuse to analyze this phenomenon, the user s relationship with his space, one that goes from territorial to architectural, that has itself a historical value. a978-88-548-7076-5