01996nas a2200157 4500000000100000000000100001008004100002100002100043700002500064700002200089245018100111856014300292300001100435490000700446520138500453 2022 d1 aM. Loren-Méndez1 aA. Rodríguez-Segura1 aJ.M. Galán-Conde00aThe experiential and emotional dimension in the updated heritage knowledge after the Cultural and Affective Turns. Its transfer to the tangible characterization of architecture uhttps://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-85151347571&doi=10.5209%2fARIS.80646&partnerID=40&md5=37c64ba068832ba0b22779c36921e103 a77-1020 v353 aKnowledge of the environment through the integration of their experiential-emotional component and the rational components has been addressed since the last century by various disciplines. Endorsed from neuroscience, this integration is relevant in the updated conception of heritage: from the expert and ≺scientific≻ assessment of the object, through the subjective experience of the tactile and traditional place, to the recent incorporation of the emotions in the interaction of community. Focusing on architecture, and although its specificity of being physically in our space and time has caused this component to be addressed by disciplines dedicated to the environment, its ideological framework has never been revisited in terms of heritage. This article aims to show its approach from the disciplines dedicated to the environment, establishing a dialogue with the incursion of the experiential, emotional and affective within heritage valuation: the Cultural Turn of the sixties and the most recent Affective Turn approaches are contextualized in the UNESCO Conventions and Charters, revisiting the methodologies developed by both Turns from the heritage perspective. The prevalence in its current identification with intangible heritage, finally leads to the need for its incorporation into the characterization of tangible heritage and its methodological challenge.