01896nas a2200301 4500000000100000000000100001008004100002260005900043653003400102653001200136653003300148653001400181653001600195653002200211653000900233653001300242653002300255653002400278653001300302653002500315653001800340100001000358245014700368856015900515300001200674520088300686020002501569 2021 d bInstitute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.10aIntangible cultural heritages10aHistory10aIntangible cultural heritage10aNew media10aInheritance10aIndustrialisation10aIron10aInternet10aProtection systems10aProtection strategy10apainting10aInheritance strategy10aLiving spaces1 aL. Ma00aThe Inheritance Strategy of Intangible Cultural Heritage Based on Internet and Information Technolog - Taking Wuhu Iron Painting as an Example uhttps://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-85129619692&doi=10.1109%2fFoNeS-AIoT54873.2021.00064&partnerID=40&md5=6896e76fd3a5eb933e1d49c048f71ced a280-2833 aUnder the background of industrialization, the living space of intangible cultural heritage is facing great challenges, which need to be combined with the development of the times to carry out the corresponding protection and inheritance. Wuhu iron painting, as China s intangible cultural heritage, has a long history of development, but there are some problems in the current development, such as talent cut-off, conservative inheritance, imperfect protection system and so on. The application of Internet new media is more necessary, including digitalization, technology and marketization. Under the background of Internet plus, it is necessary to put forward modern protection strategies and inheritance strategies, so as to integrate traditional culture and information technology, and play a corresponding role in the inheritance and development of Wuhu iron painting art. a9781665410915 (ISBN)