01502nas a2200133 4500000000100000000000100001008004100002100001300043245015700056300001200213490000700225520112200232022001401354 2010 d1 aM. Aceti00aThe imaginary controversy in the practice of capoeira: leisure, \textless\textless profession \textgreater\textgreater and intangible cultural heritage. a109-1240 v313 aThe expansion of capoeira in Europe is a recent phenomenon which scope reveals the stakes of a cosmopolitanism at work (Beck, 2006; Tarrius, 2000). Most European capoeiristas adopt this leisure activity as a mass consumption object amongst others, some put a lot of work into it. From a playful and festive practice, the enthusiast turns to the "professional path". Traditional knowledge are combined with the managing skills of a "Capoeira Academy" in an expanding market. The transition between the antagonistic world of leisure and of professionalism gives rise to changes amongst the corporal representation of people practicing capoeira. What are the imaginary constructs referred to by the leisure-capoeira enthusiasts? To what extent is the professional reality interfering with their conceptions? This study will try to demonstrate that the maintaining of, or even the blossoming of the imaginary constructs surrounding capoeira (authenticity, tradition, festive and friendly Brazil, symbols of liberation, identity claims, etc.) is a factor for the legitimization and the viability of professional in Europe. a0247-106X