00944nas a2200181 4500000000100000000000100001000000100002008004100003260000800044653003900052100001700091245003600108856004000144300001400184490000700198520054400205022001300749 2003 d coct10aIntellectual property (THE\_12504)1 aAjeet Mathur00aWho Owns Traditional Knowledge? uhttp://www.jstor.org/stable/4414163 a4471-44810 v383 aThe protection of traditional knowledge is one of the major issues addressed in WTO negotiations. The question assumes significance because traditional knowledge consists of information in the public domain as well as trade secrets; novelty thresholds of patent laws of countries differ greatly and are notoriously low in countries where the pharmaceutical industry is strongest; and, patentability under TRIPS does not require prior informed consent of countries or communities from where organic and informational resources are procured. a00129976