01801nas a2200133 4500000000100000000000100001008004100002100001400043245013900057300001200196490000700208520143800215022001401653 2020 d1 ayunji kim00aViewpoint and direction of future-oriented on the national intangible cultural properties system from the perspective of public nature a827-8470 v423 aThis study regards the phenomenon of national intangible cultural property as a "Civil Failure", and attempts to suggest the ultimate solution to these issues from the novel viewpoint of “Public Nature”, as the issues related to national intangible cultural property have extended to social conflicts. First, this study derives general characteristics and values from the multidimensional notion of “Public Nature”, and highlights its relationship with national intangible cultural property. Thus, this study examines “Public Nature” in terms of the conceptualization of the state s administrative efforts, process, and purpose toward a "mature and better life." In addition, this study considers national intangible cultural property to be public property and to have continuity in how human perception evolves along with social relationships. To achieve participation, public happiness, public harmony and public order, this study suggests the frame of national intangible cultural property from the perspective of publicness, based on the following eight principles: eurhythmia, normativity, openness, commonality, public interest, public opinion, impossibility of appropriation, and fairness. Therefore, this study is expected to provide insight on setting a direction for future task systematization regarding the conceptual confusion of the publicness of the intangible cultural heritage with its essence and value. a1225-0422