00875nas a2200145 4500000000100000008004100001260001200042100001500054700001700069245008300086856006200169300001200231520047200243020001400715 2012 d c2012///1 aMaría Cid1 aMari Manzano00aAlfabetización científica e Educación Ambiental a través do humor gráfico uhttps://dialnet.unirioja.es/servlet/extart?codigo=6138359 a83-89, 3 aThe role of the protected natural areas goes beyond the conservation of natural values, including also the cultural and intangible values, historical, artistic, linguistic, aesthetic...?The latter were not very considerate until very recently. In order to consolidate its inclusion in the planning and management in Spain, since Europarc-España in collaboration with other institutions, a manual was drafted as a result of a collaborative work of many professionals. a1887-2417