01549nas a2200145 4500000000100000008004100001260001200042100001800054245011400072856006200186300001200248490000600260520112300266020001401389 2018 d c2018///1 aFredy Salgado00aAnálisis de las políticas públicas culturales en comunidades indígenas de la Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta uhttps://dialnet.unirioja.es/servlet/extart?codigo=6463728 a23-37, 0 v53 aThis article presents an analysis of how cultural public policies are designed and implemented within 4 indigenous communities of Colombia, know their scope in the preservation of indigenous cultures and their contributions normative to the construction and conservation of the nation's cultural heritage. It presents an analysis of national and international regulations that allow the implementation of cultural public policies that provide greater protection and interaction of expressions and diverse cultural identities with a view to strengthening interculturality and generating conservation and good use of tangible and intangible heritage in accordance with international agreements for the protection of culture. Next, we analyze the current strategies implemented for the elaboration of cultural public policies within the indigenous communities of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta. Finally, it will conclude with a series of recommendations as strategic guidelines in order to achieve effective cultural public policies that benefit the material and immaterial cultural heritage of indigenous communities. a2386-7515