01929nas a2200145 4500000000100000000000100001008004100002100001200043700001400055245006100069300001200130490000700142520162000149022001401769 2022 d1 aLEE Joo1 aGyun Park00aHistorical Characteristics of Korean Traditional Seodang a105-1290 v163 aThis study explores to the origin and history of the Korean Seodang(書堂) which means old and traditional elementary education school. Unlike Seowon(書院), which has been registered at the World Heritage List of UNESCO, Korean Seodang has still been discussed to become a member of domestic intangible culture.. Therefore, academic and cultural values ​​have not been properly established. In this study, through the permanence of Seodang, which has been changed and developed according to the times, it is intended to present the basic facts that establish itself as a future heritage. The traditional Seodang of Korea was the source of education from the ancient times until the modern school was built. Seodang at that time reflected the social image of that time, and was a basic institution for educating children and advancing adults into society. In particular, Confucian life etiquette and sense of community also cultivated the spirit of the nation. It guarantees equality of opportunity, the basic concept of education, and presents an example of today s alternative education, job education, and lifelong education as an education method for each level that recognizes individual differences. The artistic, academic, and uniqueness of these educational methods and educational contents of Seodang has continued to this day, and it can be seen that the value of transmission is great. This study intends to lay the foundation for recognition of its value as an intangible cultural asset, not only as a tangible Seodang, as a cultural asset, but also as a humanities asset and educational heritage. a1976-6254