01250nas a2200133 4500000000100000008004100001260001200042100002400054245006600078856006200144300001200206520088400218020001401102 2012 d c2012///1 aJairzinho Cifuentes00aJugadores de pelota maya en tiempos del oxlajuj b’ak’tún uhttps://dialnet.unirioja.es/servlet/extart?codigo=5401557 a41-50, 3 aThis reflection is part of a research process about the contemporary practice of Mayan ball game in Guatemala. It is an analytical approach to life witness demanded by a learning-research methodology shared with players of the process. Their life paths allow us to grasp through descriptions and actions, contemporary details of an ancient cultural, playful, and leisure expression. Also shows some ways where Central American ball game is a knowledge source of now-blurred tangible assets among discourses related to folklore, ethnicities, arts, sports, culture, spirituality and basic sciences, such as History, Anthropology and Archeology. Currently daily lives of ballplayers help us to understand some of ancient Mayan wisdom. Therefore, they are involved to evidences of archaeological intangible heritage depicted into the ball game fields scattered around Middle America. a2462-845X