@article{902, keywords = {Intangible cultural heritage, Intangible cultural heritage, Bogota nineteenth century, Bogota press, Bogotá twentieth century, Cultural manifestations, Patrimonio Cultural Inmaterial, bogota press, Bogotá século XIX, Bogotá século XX, Bogotá siglo XIX, Bogotá siglo XX, cultural manifestations, Imprensa bogotana, manifestaciones culturales, Manifestações culturais, Patrimônio cultural imaterial, prensa bogotana}, author = {Manuel Ferro}, title = {La construcción social de las manifestaciones del patrimonio cultural inmaterial bogotano. Una búsqueda mediante la prensa local (1810-1948)}, abstract = {The article presents a set of stories that serve as documentary sources to characterize the ways of being, the manifestations and the practices of the Bogota citizens for the nineteenth century and the first half of the twentieth century. It seeks to provide elements for reflection on the intangible cultural heritage of the city and contribute to the analysis of the characters and human groups, the appropriation of places, urban furniture and public services, the types and modes of alimentation and finally, the feast, the celebrations and the free time management. According to this uses the idea of heritage as social and historical construction that produces shared memories and incubates feelings of belonging. The article uses written press of local circulation as the main source of analysis because generates and reproduces discourses on everyday life.}, year = {2020}, journal = {Territorios}, pages = {224-249, }, month = {2020//06/}, isbn = {01238418 (ISSN)}, url = {https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-85091422251&doi=10.12804%2fREVISTAS.UROSARIO.EDU.CO%2fTERRITORIOS%2fA.7247&partnerID=40&md5=e4b208e9b56c8535132f1b4bd803ff7a}, doi = {10.12804/revistas.urosario.edu.co/territorios/a.7247}, language = {Spanish}, }