@article{813, keywords = {Authenticity, cultural practices, heritarization of culture, intangible heritage}, author = {Isabel Alonso and Emiliano Márquez}, title = {Del patrimonio cultural inmaterial o la patrimonialización de la cultura}, abstract = {The notion of intangible heritage has been enthusiastically received by the State members of UNESCO, among them Mexico. Nevertheless, few critical studies exist that analyze the variety of social, economic and political dynamics behind "heritarization" of cultural practices. The new way of conceptualizing cultural heritage is inheriting flaws from the traditional view, including an essentialist way of conceiving heritage, the material and symbolic misappropriation of cultural practices by hegemonic groups, the emphasis on outstanding features and expressions, and the search for "authenticity", the latter being defined by external actors. Despite the guidelines established by UNESCO, listing and promotion of cultural practices frequently entail the risk of folklorizing and relocating cultural contents and meanings, although they also open new opportunities and possibilities for the social actors that create and live such cultural practices.}, year = {2012}, journal = {Cultura y representaciones sociales}, volume = {6}, number = {12}, pages = {75-101}, month = {mar}, issn = {2007-8110}, url = {http://www.scielo.org.mx/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S2007-81102012000100003&lang=es}, language = {es}, }