@inproceedings{3292, author = {Gabriela Rusu-Pasarin}, title = {Acceptance and use of roadside crucifixes in oltenia and in a multiethnic context - Timoc and Vojvodina}, abstract = {"The contemporary revalorizing of roadside crucifixes as the hallmark of cultural identity of Romanians in the region of Oltenia and in a multiethnic context - Timoc and Vojvodina" is a project developed with the financial support of the National Cultural Fund Administration, the University of Craiova being the beneficiary. During July-August 2009 ethnographic six campaigns were conducted: four in Romania (in the counties of Dolj, Gorj, Olt and Mehedinti), one in Bulgaria (Pocraina, Florentin, Rabova) and one in Serbia (Uzdin, Ecica, Vrsac).The project theme meets the contemporary challenges of preserving the cultural identity of Romanians in communities outside the country, the specific intangible heritage of these communities and the need to strengthen cross-border cultural dialogue, to cultural networks among communities that share the same identity values.The targeted communities are the main beneficiaries of this research and of the cultural activities, helping to increase awareness towards the local intangible heritage and to encourage its preservation and enhancement in creative and effective ways. They were involved in various activities within the field of the intangible heritage, together with partners from areas sharing a similar cultural background and identity, Romanians from the Bulgarian and Serbian Timoc, and Vojvodina..The aim of the research was to highlight the symbolic-aesthetic transfer mediated by the roadside crucifixes as ethno-facts invested with powerful ritual and aesthetic significance. The impact of the project was twofold: on target groups (direct impact) and on radio audiences (Radio Oltenia Craiova) (media impact).The funerary rite is best kept in the cultural space of the community, illustrating a clear identity brand. The roadside crucifix can thus be seen as an identity bridge of the cross-border cultural dialog between Romania, Serbia and Bulgaria.}, year = {2013}, pages = {81-91}, isbn = {978-606-93590-3-7}, }