@inproceedings{3268, author = {CT Kong}, editor = {G Bruyns and H Wei}, title = {A Viable and Respectful Design Method of Presenting Intangible Cultural Heritage Using Interactive Digital Storytelling}, abstract = {"Intangible cultural heritage (ICH)" is the "living heritage" created by communities, groups, and individuals. Emerging digital media can help with the presentation and dissemination of ICH. However, the improper intervention of external researchers or designers may affect the viability of ICH. This paper outlines the author s doctoral research in exploring the design method of the digital presentation of ICH. Special attention is given to how to respect the rights of inheritors and how to improve the audience s experience. A design method of digital presentation of ICH is proposed in this paper. The proposed method includes design principles, design processes, and design evaluation criteria, all of which are intended to arouse the audience s emotional identity and protection awareness of ICH, and to avoid computer-mediated colonization in the design process. This research is mainly based on analysing relevant theories and organising, designing, developing, iterating, and evaluating the "Warm Inheritors center dot Digital Diabolo" project.}, year = {2022}, pages = {3355-3362}, isbn = {978-981-19447-4-1}, doi = {10.1007/978-981-19-4472-7_216}, }