@article{3050, author = {Jun Song}, title = {A Study on Preservation and Utilization of Intangible Cultural Heritage -Centering on a Concept of a Pattern}, abstract = {This study is to point out that the original form protection principal prescribed by Korea s Cultural Properties Protection Law has had a negative effect on the protection and application of intangible cultural assets and to solve the problem by suggesting the necessity of introducing a new concept such as typifier into our cultural protection policy. The purpose of Introducing a ‘typifier’ concept into the present policy is to strengthen the basis of effective protection and application of intangible cultural assets by mitigating a sense of estrangement fixation which an original form concept innately has and by highlighting both the continuity and spontaneous vitality of culture. As described in the study, it is not logical to use the ‘original form’ concept which needs forms in protecting intangible cultural assets. In addition, protecting and controlling the first designated type as an original form causes a serious problem in that it can never solves the intrinsic typification of intangible cultural assets. A typifier is produced based on an archetype. Accordingly, the acceptance of the typification of intangible cultural assets helps us consider an archetype, the creation basis of cultural assets, in the regional, historical, and social backgrounds and by the structure and act principle. The formlessness of cultural assets should be considered important in not only intangible cultural assets but also tangible cultural assets because they both have a great influence on each other. The intangible cultural assets have ‘a structured frame of act principle’ in their base. An act principle shown in an act is an intangible cultural asset, while that in an outcome of an act is a tangible cultural asset. This structured frame of act principle is namely an archetype. If the protection and application of intangible cultural assets should be done in relation to the cultural archetype, the most important factor we have to consider is not a ‘form,’ an outcome of an act but a ‘principle’ which produces a form.}, year = {2008}, volume = {17}, pages = {217-241}, issn = {1975-4728}, }