@article{1985, author = {Junghoon Lee}, title = {Seeking interrelation between story legacy (story) and preservation of intangible cultural heritage}, abstract = {In order to enhance intangible heritage value of folktale, this paper tried to connect with the Seodang culture. With the enactment of new laws related to intangible cultural properties in 2015, the conditions for finding intangible heritage in all areas of life have been established. Especially, oral tradition and expression items are closely related to folktales. However, discussions about the intangible cultural value of folktales have not even begun. The relationship between storytelling (tale) and preservation of intangible cultural heritage which we intend to try in this article comes from the situation mentioned above. This paper examines the relation between oral and cultural information acquired in the study of traditional Shodang Dynasty and the narrative tradition of Shodang Dynasty. In the past, it was a place for practical purposes to prepare for past exams. The traditional Shodang is a space of story legacy, a total cultural space composed of elements of reading ability and traditional education knowledge. Among them, reading ability and educational efficacy have shrunk, but the traditional value of priest relationship is handed down through the legacy of tales. As a story legacy, the Seodang served as a space for confrontation with the authority of the old generation through the world. Seodang can be seen as a story heritage community that spreads to medals, schoolchildren, fellow group, village community, and China. The story of the Seodang is a story that variously reflects what is the identity of the Seodang in the culture of the Seodang, which is adapted to modern society and maintains its vigor. Through the story of the confrontation and harmony of the school and the decoration, the function of the Seodang, the meaning of the community, and traditional values ​​such as the teacher are contained. In this sense, the story of the Seodang is an illustrative example of the meaning of the Seodang, which was a traditional education space. The educational field covered in the story of Seodang has acquired the universality applicable to the present. In this regard, in order to examine the intangible heritage value of the traditional Shodang Dynasty, it is necessary to record the story of the Shodang Dynasty, which has been handed down much more frequently.}, year = {2018}, journal = {The Korean Literature and Arts}, volume = {27}, pages = {173-201}, issn = {1976-8400}, doi = {10.21208/kla.2018.09.27.173}, }