@inproceedings{1961, author = {Dongying Li}, title = {Self-development and Self-protection of China Pu er Whipping Top Project from Perspective of Sports Intangible Cultural Heritage}, abstract = {In the process of protection and development of Asian minority traditional sport, the traditional sports intangible cultural heritage faces the impact of modern sport, the contradiction between technological progress and the protection of tradition, the insufficient inheritors and others difficulties. This paper takes the exploration of origin of the ancient whipping top event as the background to conduct the field survey on the development and protection of whipping top events in Jinggu Country, Yunnan, China, while result found that in Jinggu, whipping top event has been perfect protected with governmental legislation and mass participation. In order to better protect and develop the whipping top event, how to promote it enter the younger generation of the campus community and integrate it enter the minority festival will be a new breakthrough.}, year = {2018}, volume = {205}, pages = {941-944}, isbn = {2352-5398}, }