@article{1370, keywords = {heritage conservation, food security, adaptive management, agri-cultural heritage, Agroheritology, China Nationally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems (China-NIAHS), farming system, Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems (GIAHS), interdisciplinary approach, rural development, traditional agriculture}, author = {Q. Min}, title = {Agri-cultural Heritage: An Interdisciplinary Field with Development Prospects}, abstract = {Traditional agricultural heritage research has a very long history. Programme on "The conservation and adaptive management of Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems (GIAHS)" initiative launched by FAO in 2002, aimed at not only preserving agricultural heritage system, but also applying the principle of dynamic con-servation to promote rural development to benefit local community, to assure food security and maintaining the ecosystem. Since then, many more scientists have been enrolled in the new field focusing on the function and value, application and management, conservation and development and other aspects of these traditional agricultural systems which facilitate an emerging cross-discipline. In this paper, based on the concepts and characteristics of GIAHS and China Nationally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems (China-NIAHS), the author specifies that Agri-cultural Heritage is a compound heritage that integrates the characteristics of natural, cultural and intangible cultural heritage, and a typical social-economic-natural complex ecosystem composed of economic, biological, technological, cultural and landscape components. For their conservation and development, the joint efforts of scientists from economics, ecology, geography, history, management sciences, culturology, ethnology, sociology and other subjects are needed. Based on progresses studies and perspectives of the field, the author felt that although a good start of the research on Agri-cultural Heritage has been made, there is still much room for development which show a steady growth trend and suggested 32 priority areas in research; a new subject of Agroheritology could emerge in the near future.}, year = {2021}, journal = {Journal of Resources and Ecology}, volume = {12}, pages = {437-443, }, month = {2021///}, isbn = {1674764X (ISSN)}, url = {https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-85112622751&doi=10.5814%2fj.issn.1674-764x.2021.04.001&partnerID=40&md5=0fa973efcd3f7a48ade2f6e6f7941898}, doi = {10.5814/j.issn.1674-764x.2021.04.001}, language = {English}, }