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A Reconstructed Indigenous Religious Tradition in Latvia 2019 Anita Stasulane Religions
A Malaysian cultural heritage digital compendium 2019 H. Thwaites, D. Santano, H. Esmaeili, Z.S. See Digital Applications in Archaeology and Cultural Heritage
A literatura de cordel como patrimônio cultural 2019 Ulpiano Bezerra de Meneses Revista do Instituto de Estudos Brasileiros
A locality developed for its intangible heritage: the Cienfuegos music 2019 Alegna Jacomino Ruiz Revista Universidad y Sociedad
A necessidade de uma rota do cante alentejano no baixo Alentejo: Se o Alentejo é uma nação, o cante é o seu hino! 2019 Ângela Malveiro Quaderns d animació i educació social
A plastic experience from my cotidianity linked to the Dancing Devils of Yare 2019 Carlos Morgado Delgado Revista História: Debates e Tendências
A Study on Productive Preservation and Design Innovation of Taoyuan Wood Carving 2019 M. Shi, S. Ren
A Study on Reorganization of Korean Traditional Knowledge Resource Classification(kTKRC) 2019 Jeong Myeongcheol, An Oksun, Lee Hyeongyeong The Journal of Intellectual Property
A Study on Seeking a Multilateral Cooperation Framework for the Inter-Korean Exchange of Intangible Cultural Heritage - Through a Multinational Nomination of a Representative List of Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity - 2019 Kim Deoksoon Mun Hwa Jae - Annual Review In Cultural Heritage Studies
A Study on the Joint Registration Method of Intangible Cultural Heritage in South-North Korean Taekwondo 2019 Hong Sungbo Taekwondo Journal Of Kukkiwon