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A Study on the Formation and Development of Baraseungmu in Jang Hong-sim 2021 Song Mi Sook The Souteast Korea Dance Society
A Study on the Development of Regional Festival through Jeonju Dano Cultural Contents - Focused on Gangneung Dano-je and Jeonju Dano - 2021 Youngsoo Yoo, Chaehyun Lee Official Journal of the Koeran Society of Dance Science
A Study on the Design of Advanced Intangible Cultural Heritage Archiving Platform System Based on Artificial Intelligence 2021 Kim Youngwon The Journal of Social Convergence Studies
A Study on the Changes in the Gilnori Tradition of Intangible Heritage -G angneung Danoje Festival and Gyeongsanjain Danoje Gilnori were the Center of the Tradition- 2021 Lee Kyoug-hwa Korean Journal of Intangible Heritage
A Study on the Aesthetic Singularity in the Salpuri Dance by Types - Focused on Honam Region 2021 Jiwon CHoi The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
A Study on the Changes in the Gilnori Tradition of Intangible Heritage -G angneung Danoje Festival and Gyeongsanjain Danoje Gilnori were the Center of the Tradition- 2021 Lee Kyoug-hwa Korean Journal of Intangible Heritage
A Study on the Aesthetic Singularity in the Salpuri Dance by Types - Focused on Honam Region 2021 Jiwon CHoi The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
A Study on How to Activate the Gangneung Danoje’s Cultural Contents 2021 Kyung Yoo Asia-pacific Journal of Convergent Research Interchange
A Study on the Cultural Symbolism of Court Music in Asia -Focusing on UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage 2021 Lee Woo, Nuri Kang The Journal of Humanities and Social science
Buenas Prácticas de Salvaguardia del Patrimonio Cultural Inmaterial del Proyecto Educativo-Museístico de Puçol 2021 Marian Tristán Richarte, José Aniorte Pérez