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Marijana Hamersak Iva PleseIntangible cultural heritage UNESCO Croatia Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage Heritage production Ethnology and folkloristics
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Sylvie GrenetIntangible cultural heritage UNESCO falconry cultural diplomacy interculturality multi-nationality United Arab Emirates (UAE)
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Renata Cuhlova Jiri NesibaIntangible cultural heritage UNESCO GSR Management Sugar Art
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Richard PfeilstetterIntangible cultural heritage Mediterranean diet UNESCO entrepreneurship social anthropology Heritage institutions (ICH\_1360) Economic and social development (THE\_5342) Food (THE\_3078) Justice and Strong Institutions (ICH\_1394) SDG 16: Peace references illustrating linkages between SDGs and ICH (ICH\_1440) SDG 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth (ICH\_1386) Community participation (THE\_204) Cultural identity (THE\_382) Spain (ES) Tourism (THE\_202) Sustainable development (THE\_7357) Nongovernmental organizations (THE\_5699) Market economy (THE\_65391) SDG 17: Partnerships for the Goals (ICH\_1395) SDG 3: Good Health and Well-being (ICH\_1381) SDG 10: Reduced Inequalities (ICH\_1388)
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William LoganUNESCO intangible heritage World heritage East Asia Interpretation Memory of the World Post-conflict heritage Presentation Reconciliation
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Ruchika Ranwacommunity heritage UNESCO Kalbeliya dance participation state
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Ayla Joncheereheritage UNESCO Invented tradition India Folk dance Gypsy Kalbeliya Rajasthan Sapera
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J. DingIntangible cultural heritage Chinese UNESCO Hong Kong Law Treaty