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K. Peter S. Auala H. Winschiers-Theophiluscultural heritage Intangible cultural heritages Cultural heritages History Design Augmented reality Image enhancement museums Embodied interaction Primary schools Augmented reality Namibia Real-world Computer generated Embodied Interaction OvaHimba Ovahimbum Research-by-design Research-by-Design Sensory data
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H.-S. Nguyen K.-D.H. Hoang C.-D. Huynh Q.-P. Ma J. Mesicekcultural heritage 3D model photogrammetry Meshroom surface reconstruction
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R. Chamniyom J. Sawanglapcultural heritage Folk songs Literary folk songs of Kanchanaburi restoration and conservation
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S. Zhang L. Chi T. Zhang H. Jucultural heritage Influencing factors Spatial pattern China Land border
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M.A. Diaz-Mendoza E. De-La-Hoz-Franco J.E. Gómez R. Ramírez-Velardecultural heritage semantic web context-aware ontological model vallenato
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Y. Huang S. Yangcultural heritage Influencing factors GIS spatial analysis Evolution Suzhou canal