01252nas a2200109 4500000000100000008004100001100001200042245012800054300001200182520092600194020002201120 2010 d1 aB. Fadl00aImplementation of intangible cultural heritage to achieve sustainable development strategy: in autonomous cultural district a385-3943 aThis paper is concerned with choosing tools for a sustainable development strategy that hold cultural and natural heritage worth valorisation. It introduces a development model for the valorisation of ICH, which proposes the utilization of ICH through proposed framework. Its Fields are cultural tourism, cultural goods, and socio-cultural expression. This framework depends on the involvement of the local community as the premier actor in safeguarding ICH. The investigation goes on to examine the efficiency of a framework through the use of ICH in cultural tourism field in the case of Sicily and Egypt as contrasting cases. Monitor the proposed fields as economic indicators, determine the success and failure of the application of the responsibility of ICH in the framework and How far promising to be capable of achieving economic benefits and enabling local community through the use of their authentic practices. a978-989-95671-3-9