01194nas a2200217 4500000000100000000000100001008004100002260000800043100002100051700002100072700001900093700002100112700002100133700001800154700002400172700002000196245006100216490000600277520067900283022001400962 2022 d cmay1 aNikos Partarakis1 aVoula Doulgeraki1 aEffie Karuzaki1 aGeorge Galanakis1 aXenophon Zabulis1 aCarlo Meghini1 aValentina Bartalesi1 aDaniele Metilli00aA Web-Based Platform for Traditional Craft Documentation0 v63 aA web-based authoring platform for the representation of traditional crafts is proposed. This platform is rooted in a systematic method for craft representation, the adoption, knowledge, and representation standards of the cultural heritage (CH) domain, and the integration of outcomes from advanced digitization techniques. In this paper, we present the implementation of this method by an online, collaborative documentation platform where digital assets are curated into digitally preservable craft representations. The approach is demonstrated through the representation of three traditional crafts as use cases, and the lessons learned from this endeavor are presented. a2414-4088