01493nas a2200133 4500000000100000000000100001008004100002100001500043245005400058300001200112490000700124520121400131022001401345 2014 d1 aGabha Kwon00aA Study on the aspect of Arirang Culture Contents a303-3360 v483 aThis paper focuses on Arirang recreated as the cultural contents aspect of various genres and the way of evolving contents.Although the concept of cultural contents was used after 2000, the cultural contents of Arirang have already begun the film of Na Un-gyu \textlessArirang\textgreater in 1926. The cultural sensation inspired of the film \textlessArirang\textgreater and theme song has constantly been created through various genres as like pop song, poem, novel, dance, play and musical.This various genre transitions certainly show us the status of Arirang as OSMU(One Source Multi Use). They recreated inner characters and praised the message. They particularly cognized Arirang as cultural sign indicated Korea and Korean. Afterward, it had strong influence the cultural demands.The developmental aspect of Arirang cultural contents and the evolved way of content can provide the meanings as Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity to Arirnag global contents. Arirang have been turned according to basic concept and way with the change of times. Not following fixed form and meaning, Arirang cultural contents will be realized as creative and unique advance without ignoring born-identity of Arirang. a1598-9836