01287nas a2200121 4500000000100000008004100001100001200042700001300054245017700067300001000244520088900254020002201143 2016 d1 aHe Ying1 aLiu Fang00aA Research on Tourism Exploitation of Intangible Culture Heritage Resources from the Perspective of Constructivism Authenticity: Taking Worship of Taihao Fuxi as an Example a18-273 aAt present, much attention has been paid to the protection and development of intangible cultural heritage. Authenticity, as a keyword of cultural heritage s protection has become the core problem. The theory of constructivism authenticity emphasizes that the authenticity of tourists experience and of tourism object mutually construct; meanwhile fit the intangible cultural heritage tourism development. Based on the analysis of this theory, this paper analyzes the intangible cultural exploitation of worship of Fuxi, and indicates that the spread, duration, fusion and innovation can be finally completed through the reasonable exploitation and effective protection on the authenticity of tourism object which includes both explicit and implicit resources, and through the authentic experience of tourism object by the way of multidimensional and multi-tiered cultural exhibition. a978-3-86573-963-6