02654nas a2200481 4500000000100000000000100001000000100002008004100003260000800044653001900052653002200071653002200093653002200115653004200137653002200179653005000201653004500251653004600296653002400342653002400366653005200390653005200442653001700494653001800511653001300529653002000542653002300562653002400585653003300609653003500642653003500677653001300712653001400725653001300739653001900752100002100771245014400792856009500936300001201031490000701043520110801050022001402158 2011 d cdec10aBens culturais10abienes culturales10acultural heritage10acultural identity10aCultural identity - Political aspects10aCultural property10aCultural values - Minas de Corrales (Uruguay)10aIdentidad cultural - aspectos políticos10aIdentidade cultural - Aspectos políticos10apatrimonio cultural10apatrimonio cultural10aValores culturais - Minas de Corrales (Uruguai)10aValores culturales -Minas de Corrales (Uruguay)10abem cultural10abien cultural10aCultural10acultural values10aidentidad cultural10aidentidade cultural10aIntangible cultural heritage10aPatrimonio Cultural Inmaterial10aPatrimônio cultural imaterial10apolitics10apolítica10aProperty10avalor cultural1 aFernando Acevedo00a¿Elitismo cultural, demagoga populista o tecnocracia aséptica?: Sobre la legitimación en la determinación del patrimonio cultural local uhttp://www.scielo.org.co/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S1657-97632011000200002&lang=es a138-1510 v243 aThe present text succintly exposes both the basis, rather theoretical and methodological, and the justification, mostly political, of a socio-anthropological research which purpose was to identify the immaterial cultural patrimony of Minas de Corrales, a small town from the North of Uruguay. In the course of the research some deeply problematic issues emerged. Its formulation intends to generate a debate about the conditions of the attribution of patrimonial value to certain cultural objects and its implications, among those interested in cultural policies and patrimonial management as well as among those who have focused cultural identity and its collective construction from an academic approach. In this aspect two questions are particularly difficult to elucidate: to whom rightly belongs the power to define which cultural objects possess a patrimonial value? Based on what criteria of epistemological pertinence and social legitimation someone -any individual such as oneself- can attribute to himself the power to establish which objects possess a patrimonial value and which ones do not? a1657-9763