01370nas a2200157 4500000000100000000000100001008004100002100001400043700001500057700001400072245005500086300001200141490000700153520103800160022001401198 2014 d1 aYoung Won1 aJo Sungwon1 a도기현00aIn-depth Study to the Domestic Origin of Taekkyeon a301-3130 v233 aThis study supplements the further study of the important intangible cultural heritage 76th, Taekkyeon by evaluating its origin of foundation. This is crucial, regardless of the social influence of Taekkyeon organizations. The root of this martial art to be solid in order to recognize the development of Taekkyeon. We can clarify that off-tool martial art has been present in the base of historical records, but is not adequate enough to define it as Taekkyeon . The term is shown in records starting from Chosun Dynasty, but the local origin is being clarified nowadays. According to the investment while being registered as a cultural heritage, Taekkyeon is solely found in Seoul and its surroundings and the veterans of Taekkyeon are from Seoul, which demonstrates Taekkyeon as Seoul origin. However, as one of the Taekkyeon veteran Han-Seung Shin ruled in Chungju, the place of origin is known as North Chungcheong Province or Chungju. This paper provides evidences for the origin to be fixed to Seoul based on its properties. a1226-0258