01886nas a2200265 4500000000100000000000100001008004100002260001200043653000900055653002000064653001200084653001400096653002100110653001700131653002900148653002800177100001800205700002200223245009500245856009500340300001400435490000600449520115100455020001401606 2016 d c2016///10aCuba10aAlfredo Morales10acatalog10acatálogo10ahistoria de vida10alife history10apatrimonio sacro-musical10asacrum-musical heritage1 aPablo Marrero1 aMiriam Suástegui00aAlfredo Morales Mustelier FSC (1927-2012): historia de vida y catálogo de obras musicales uhttp://www.scielo.org.mx/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S2007-07052016000200638&lang=es a638-656, 0 v83 aIn Cuba, most studies have focused religious music in the musical and dance expressions of Afro-Cuban rites that are intangible heritage of the nation. However, every time safeguarding the historical documentary heritage related to the practice of the Roman Catholic liturgy, in order to assess their cultural significance for our music is more important. In the music file of the Cathedral of Santiago de Cuba they were located scores of Alfredo Morales Mustelier, one of the pioneers of the use of rhythms and folk melodies in the Catholic liturgy, being the only reservoir in Cuba retains its works. The contributions of this composer to pre and musical heritage post-conciliar have been little studied, so that the reconstruction of his life story as unavoidable to contextualize his creative work step is necessary, as well as the preparation of a catalog designed to show what treasured file to convert their works in order to study further research. This study is part of the pro-research projects Cabinet of Musical Heritage Esteban Salas to rescue the historical documentary heritage existing music files cathedrals and churches in Cuba. a2007-0705