01169nas a2200145 4500000000100000008004100001260001200042100002000054700002000074245010200094856006200196300001200258520073900270020001401009 2016 d c2016///1 aNayim del Moral1 aMagdalena Ciria00aAnálisis acústico del seseo vasco en los datos del Archivo del Patrimonio Inmaterial de Navarra uhttps://dialnet.unirioja.es/servlet/extart?codigo=5723097 a34-51, 3 aAfter having tracked the presence of Basque «seseo» speakers in the Archives of the Immaterial heritage of Navarre (Romera y Medina, 2015), we carried out the phonetic-acoustic characterization of «seseo» productions. In contrast to previous studies (Iribar et al. 2005; Hualde, 2010; Isasi, Iribar y Túrrez, 2013), where the informants who produce «seseo» were L1 Basque-L2 Spanish speakers, this time we report the case of an L1 Spanish informant who produces «seseo». Through PRAAT, we analyze six acoustic features of each of his sibilant segments. Our findings support the idea of the use of a new model of «seseo», which includes a new realization that does not conform the ‘seseo’ variants known for other areas. a1136-081X