01264nas a2200145 4500000000100000000000100001008004100002260001200043100001800055245010200073856006400175300001200239520085300251020001401104 2014 d c2014///1 aRodrigo Costa00aAnálise jurídica das leis sobre "Tesouros vivos" no Brasil e no mundo: A experiência do Ceará uhttps://dialnet.unirioja.es/servlet/articulo?codigo=6723850 a24-39, 3 aThe Brazilian Constitution of 1988 also protects cultural heritage material and immaterial nature that are carriers of the references to groups that make up our society. In this sense, the Brazilian legislation established the record of the intangible cultural heritage as a legal instrument to safeguard cultural property. However, at the federal level, the Federal Executive Branch did not foresee the recognition of the Masters of Culture Living Human Treasures or. Conversely, many laws of Brazilian states recognized the importance of traditional knowledge of these transmitters as such in other countries. Thus, this article aims to analyze and describe the laws of the Brazilian states governing the protection of the living treasures, especially the Ceará standards, aiming to provide support to existing legal proposals at national level. a2316-8080