01864nas a2200301 4500000000100000000000100001000000100002008004100003260000800044653001300052653001400065653001200079653001300091653001400104653001600118653001200134653002300146653001600169100001600185700001700201700001500218245017600233856009100409300001000500490000700510520103100517022001401548 2019 d capr10aheritage10aMarketing10aTourism10aidentity10aIdentidad10aPatrimônio10aTurismo10aIdentidade.Turismo10aPatrimónio1 aC. Berselli1 aL. Tricarico1 ade Rossini00aHeritage signs and symbols in marketing actions: is a relationship possible? Considerations from the advertising of National Sweets Fair (Fenadoce) in Pelotas, RS, Brazil. uhttp://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S1982-61252019000100072&lang=es a72-910 v133 aThis study emerges from the need to understand if marketing strategies consider heritage symbols and signs in tourism branding and image building. This is an exploratory study of a qualitative nature using content analysis (Bardin, 2011) to answer the research question. Identity, heritage, and marketing categories and their subcategories were identified in the literature review on the topic. After, the advertising campaigns of Feira Nacional do Doce (Fenadoce) were analyzed, to understand how the identity and intangible heritage of the sweet culture of Pelotas (RS), Brazil, are being used by marketing managers. All categories and subcategories were found, more or less explicitly, in the advertising messages in the five campaigns analyzed. The findings suggest that the relationship between heritage and marketing will only be possible if the first category is inserted in the second. In addition to managerial contributions, the categories and subcategories found can be used in similar studies in future research. a1982-6125